Make an Impression!

Make an Impression!

A mini workshop with Joan Byers and Lorraine Douglas

October 28, 2018 (Sunday)

Embossing is a way of making an impression in relief on paper so that it stands out. Learn two ways of embossing and debossing. The first method uses dry paper embossed by hand and the second is with damp paper on a press. Both perfect for greeting cards, book covers and adding a special new dimension to your art.

  • Date: October 28, 2018 (Sunday) from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Location: Joan and Ginny’s Studio, North Saanich
  • Cost : $60.00, which includes supplies for two cards and envelopes and one sheet of paper for your book cover and some miscellaneous supplies. Please bring more paper such as Arches Text Wove, Canson Mi-Tientes, etc. Light colours work best for seeing the embossing. Optional to bring items like thin craft wire, hole and shape punches, paper clips, very thin plastic items like the Crafter’s Workshop stencils, ribbon, string, etc.
  • Other supplies to bring: bone folder with a flat end and a pointed end, embossing tool with a small metal ball on the end – often sold in sets of three double ended tools, pencil, eraser, metal edge ruler, number 11 exacto knife and extra sharp blades, tracing paper, sharp scissors, small detail scissors only if you have, tweezers, simple designs or ideas of what you would like to create – the maximum size is about 4 ½ by 6 for dry embossing cards, gluestick, cutting matt eg. quilter’s cutting matt which reseals, Extra Fine Sharpie pen, removeable tape like green painter’s tape, your lunch.
  • There will be a maximum of 12 students.
  • No previous bookbinding experience needed.

Registration: For more information please contact Joan at or Lorraine at No refunds unless your spot can be taken by someone on the waitlist. For registration please prepare a cheque made out to Joan Byers and mail it to:
  10780 West Saanich Road
  North Saanich, BC
  V8L 5P8

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